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One important thing to understand is that electron-webpack is agnostic about the build tool you decide to use for creating your distributable electron application. The only concern of this module is to create a webpack output that functions properly and is optimized for the electron enviroment.

Compiling your code

Once you have electron-webpack configured for your project, you can simply run the electron-webpack command to compile your source code. To make things easier, make use of setting up a script in your package.json.

  "scripts": {
    "compile": "electron-webpack"

After running the above script with yarn compile, you now have a webpack output located in the dist/ directory.

Building a distribution

Now that electron-webpack has created your webpack bundle, you can simply implement any build tool you would like. One thing to note is that additional optimizations have been made to work with electron-builder. This build tool is perfect for any sized application, providing many features from creating installable executables to providing “auto update” support. electron-webpack also interally provides a base configuration for electron-builder.

Using electron-builder

yarn add electron-builder --dev
Add additional package.json scripts
  "scripts": {
    /* compile source code and create webpack output */
    "compile": "electron-webpack",

    /* `yarn compile` & create distribution */
    "dist": "yarn compile && electron-builder",

    /* `yarn dist` & create unpacked distribution */
    "dist:dir": "yarn dist -- --dir -c.compression=store -c.mac.identity=null"

Further configurations can be made in accordance to electron-builder‘s documentation.

Final Notes

When configuring your build tool of choice, just be sure to point to the dist/ directory where your compiled application lives (this is already the default of electron-builder). Any questions or issues that may arise during the build step should be directed towards the respected build tool, and not electron-webpack.