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Since electron-webpack is a module, not a boilerplate, let’s install that and few other dependencies.

yarn add electron-webpack electron webpack --dev
yarn add source-map-support

Starting in Development Mode

By default, electron-webpack expects, at minimum, a main process entry point in src/main/index.js (more info). Once you have your entry files setup, you can run electron-webpack dev to get started. To make things easier, make use of setting up a script in your package.json to start your application in development mode.

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "electron-webpack dev"

If you are using electron-webpack-quick-start and have already installed dependecies, simply run the follwing to open your application in development mode.

yarn dev

Source Aliases

electron-webpack provides a few source aliases, or path mappings as TypeScript would call it, that allow you to import your modules easier.

  • @: Provides path to corresponding process (main or renderer)
  • common: Provides path to common source directory

A little note on the magic

electron-webpack may seem like a magical module to some from the outside, but let’s cover a few topics about what’s going on under the hood.

Hot Module Replacement

Webpack HMR has been setup to support both the renderer and main process. This allows for faster development ensuring your application is only restarted when necessary. All you need to do is accept hot updates in your entry files:

// in main/index.js, renderer/index.js or in both
if ( {;
Check out this article for more details on HMR in electron-webpack and the official webpack docs for details and options on the HMR API.

Bundling for both renderer and main processes

webpack is already setup to have an entry point for each process. In addition, you can also easily add further entry points to the main process when needed. In the other cases where you just need support for the main process, you can even skip the renderer process when needed (more info).

Use of html-webpack-plugin

You might notice that you don’t need an index.html to get started on your application. That’s because it is created for you, as it adds in a few extra configurations needed for the electron environment. If you are creating an electron application with webpack, you are most likely creating a Single Page Application anyways. So because of that, there is already a <div id="app"></div> provided in the markup that you can mount your application onto.

A Note for Windows Users

If you run into errors while installing dependencies, related to node-gyp, then you most likely do not have the proper build tools installed on your system. Build tools include items like Python and Visual Studio.

You can quickly install these build tools by globally installing windows-build-tools. It provides many items like Visual C++ packages, Python, and much more.