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Core Concepts

Below is a general overview of what electron-webpack aims to solve, and what it isn’t.

electron-webpack is a module

It is not a fully featured boilerplate; it is a single updatable package. It includes many webpack configurations to help jump-start your development needs. If you are looking for a boilerplate to get started, please see electron-webpack-quick-start.

electron-webpack has a CLI

You can take use of a few useful commands such as running in development and compiling your source code (more info).

electron-webpack can be extended

By using electron-webpack you are not restricted to any sort of API abstraction of webpack. Although there are Add-ons made available to simplify smaller tasks, the entirety of webpack‘s documentation is fully applicable (more info).

electron-webpack is agnostic

Aside from setting up core webpack configurations with @babel/preset-env and making optimizations specific to the electron environment, electron-webpack does its best to not impose or encourage any sort of project structure or build cycle. Just as stated before, this is a module and can be used as tool outside of its CLI.