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As cool as electron-webpack can be a simple module to cover a majority of your development needs, you can also throw in your own configurations as needed. Please know that when using expected defaults, no configurations are neccessary.

Configurations can be applied in package.json at electronWebpack or in a separate electron-webpack.(json|json5|yml). For the purposes of this documentation, we will use the package.json approach and examples will show defaults when applicable.

Overview of available options

"electronWebpack": {
  "commonSourceDirectory": "src/common",
  "staticSourceDirectory": "src/static",
  "title": true,
  "whiteListedModules": ["foo-ui-library"],

  "main": {
    "extraEntries": ["@/preload.js"],
    "sourceDirectory": "src/main",
    "webpackConfig": "custom.webpack.additions.js"

  "renderer": {
    "dll": ["fooModule"],
    "sourceDirectory": "src/renderer",
    "template": "src/renderer/index.html",
    "webpackConfig": "custom.webpack.additions.js",
    "webpackDllConfig": "custom.webpackDll.additions.js"

Source Directories

Defines the path to a process’s or common usage directory, relative to the project’s root directory. renderer.sourceDirectory can be null if you don’t desire electron-webpack to handle bundling.

"electronWebpack": {
  "commonSourceDirectory": "src/common",
  "staticSourceDirectory": "src/static",
  "main": {
    "sourceDirectory": "src/main"
  "renderer": {
    "sourceDirectory": "src/renderer"

BrowserWindow Title

Defines default BrowserWindow title. true (default): Title is automatically set based on package.json name or productName when using electron-builder String: Use a custom string for title

"electronWebpack": {
  "title": true,

  /* or */

  "title": "My Custom Title"

Additional Entry Points for main process

For those situtations where you need additional entry points. Can be useful when you need a preload script for a BrowserWindow.

"electronWebpack": {
  "main": {
    "extraEntries": ["@/preload.js"]
Note that you can use the @ alias to reference your main.sourceDirectory.

Dll bundle splitting

See Dll Bundle Splitting for more info.

"electronWebpack": {
  "renderer": {
    "dll": ["fooModule"]

White-listing Externals

Since webpack is set to target the electron environment, all modules are treated as externals. Unfortunately, there can be a few situations where this behavior may not be expected by some modules. For the case of some Vue UI libraries that provide raw *.vue components, they will needed to be white-listed. This ensures that vue-loader is able to compile them as the UI library originally expected.

"electronWebpack": {
  "whiteListedModules": ["foo-ui-library"]

Modified Webpack Configurations

See Modifying Webpack Configurations for more information.

"electronWebpack": {
  "main": {
    "webpackConfig": "custom.additions.webpack.js"

  "renderer": {
    "webpackConfig": "custom.additions.webpack.js",
    "webpackDllConfig": "custom.additions.webpack.js"